We are stewards of our city and have used our extensive experience, our business acumen, and our passion for architecture to satisfy our clients’ needs.

- Carolyn McAvoy
- Realtor/Broker
- carolynmcavoy@msn.com
- Direct: (314) 757-1007
- Office: (314) 531-1900

- Mike McAvoy
- Realtor/Broker
- mikemcavoy@msn.com
- Office: (314) 531-1900

- Fritz McAvoy
- Realtor/Owner
- fritzmcavoy@gmail.com
- Direct: (314) 537-5211
- Office: (314) 531-1900

- John Grass
- Broker/Realtor/Owner
- johnwgrass@yahoo.com
- Direct: (314) 471-5722
- Office: (314) 531-1900

- Tim Steele
- Realtor
- timsteele.mcavoyrealty@gmail.com
- Direct: (314) 898-2430
- Office: (314) 531-1900

- Ashley Richardson
- Realtor
- ashleyrichardsonrealtor@gmail.com
- Direct: (314) 448-3144
- Office: (314) 531-1900